
Here's what happened in McDonald's past attempts to go big

Restaurant Rewind: The burger giant is testing a new premium burger called the Big Arch, the latest in a long string of efforts by the Golden Arches to come up with another sandwich that has to be eaten with two hands. Here's a look at some of the misfi

McDonald’s has tried for decades to come up with an oversized premium burger that would slide easily into its operations and win a following among consumers accustomed to paying far less for a Golden Arches meal. News arose this week of yet another stab, a limited test of a new option called the Big Arch.

As this week’s Restaurant Rewind reports, most of those past efforts have sorely missed the mark.  Remember the Arch Deluxe, a misfire that still ranks as one of greatest consumer-product failures of modern times?

What went wrong with that and many of McDonald’s other attempts to go big? And how did the burger giant correct course?

Press “Play” for a look back at those efforts and why the development of the Big Arch will be closely watched if its sales test expands beyond the current three markets.

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