human resources


4 features of effective employer branding

Craft an employer message that makes it rain resumes.


Mario Batali steps down amid sexual harassment allegations

The celebrity chef acknowledges that he has acted inappropriately.

Restaurants are stealing a page out of Silicon Valley’s book filled with unheard-of benefits and annotating it to fit the industry framework.

To get a read of the industry’s top labor concerns, we partnered with Technomic, Chicago data firm and RB’s sister company. Its Community Panel comprises more than 2,000 foodservice operators. Here’s the scuttlebutt from industry insiders.

Check out the restaurants that are listed alongside Facebook as some of the best places to work in the country.

Women react to harassment at work differently than their male counterparts, a recent study shows. Here’s how operators are creating cultures that squash bullying while retaining and nurturing talent.

The warning flare was fired during our Restaurant Trends & Directions conference in Chicago, when many a QSR manager might have been wondering why they weren’t getting as many summer job candidates as they had in the past.

Gov. Cuomo has set a rollback as one of his priorities for 2018.

How operators are crushing workplace bullying and fostering female talent.

And what you can steal from their lesson plans.

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