
How company planes have brought down restaurant CEOs

Restaurant Rewind: Allegations of personal use have grounded more than a few high flyers.

Commercial airliners can take restaurant chain executives only so far in the quest shared by many of inspecting and approving every proposed site for a new unit. The more feasible alternative has long been the use of corporate jets to zip from one location to another.

But as this week’s Restaurant Rewind podcast notes, that reliance on private craft has not been without turbulence. Host and Restaurant Business Editor At Large Peter Romeo looks at the corporate scandals that have erupted because a chain CEO was suspected of slipping some personal travel into an official corporate itinerary. In more than one instance, that blurring of the lines cost the chain chief his job, if not his career.

Join Romeo as he examines three of the higher-profile instances of shareholders throwing a fit over what they saw as a boss’ misuse of the company plane. Download this and every edition of Restaurant Rewind from wherever you get your podcasts.

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