Taco Bell adds certified vegetarian menu

taco bell exterior

In an effort to court vegetarian customers, Taco Bell Thursday announced its launch of a certified vegetarian menu available via the chain’s mobile app and new online-ordering site, ta.co.

The menu category, which did not appear to be live early this morning, features 13 items certified by the American Vegetarian Association (AVA). Taco Bell says it is the first quick-service restaurant to offer menu items with AVA certification.

“At Taco Bell, vegetarians are not an afterthought,” said CEO Brian Niccol. “We sell more than 350 million vegetarian menu items each year, but until now haven’t been vocal about it. The recent launch of ta.co which makes customization easy made this the perfect time to move our vegetarian menu from the forefront to further illustrate our commitment to delivering food that fits our customers’ evolving lifestyles.”

Taco Bell on Monday launched ta.co, an expansion of its previous mobile-ordering functionality that can be accessed across all devices. 

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