Taco Bell ups the ante for new mystery item

taco bell exterior

Following much speculation about what Taco Bell is cooking up for its “big reveal” during Super Bowl 50, the chain said it will give fans a chance to try the mystery item before it’s released nationwide.

To try the new product two days early, customers can place a pre-order through the chain’s website. That order, however, is a “blind” one, Taco Bell notes, as guests won’t know exactly what they ordered until they pick it up on Feb. 6.  

“We felt the biggest media event of the year offered a perfect opportunity for us to announce what might be our biggest launch ever,” Taco Bell CMO Marisa Thalberg said in a statement. “However, with respect to our biggest fans (and those who just love to be the first to get their hands on the next big thing), we didn’t want to make them wait that long.”

Though Taco Bell implies the mystery item will be something completely new, online buzz has speculated that the chain will unveil the Quesalupa, a quesadilla-chalupa mash-up that Taco Bell tested on a small scale last year.

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