Oh, that smell

Secretly sniffing your pits to see if that’s the source of the aroma crinkling guests’ noses?  It’s probably not your hygiene, Bunky. A new listing of the most atrocious restaurant odors suggests you follow your nose to the back of the house, or even out the back door.

The trash bins out back rank as the Number One offender on the list of summertime restaurant stenches, according to the cleaning and uniform firm Cintas. Even in cold weather, there’s a reason Chanel hasn’t released a scent called Dumpster. The stink can be particularly offensive in the summer, when the heat breaks down garbage that much faster. Cintas recommends that you keep the kitchen door closed and monitor your waste hauler to ensure they don’t dally in their pick-ups.

The rest of the Top 10 stink sources:

Restrooms: Seldom to be confused with a bed of roses, the facilities can turn downright stinky if kids are frequent users, Cintas observes.

Drain lines: A rancid odor signals that you may need to clean the lines of the organic waste that serves as a buffet for bacteria.

Food gone bad: Perishables tend to spoil more quickly in the summer heat. Don’t hasten the process by leaving them at room temperature any longer than you have to, suggests Cintas.

Dirty towels: Allowed to accumulate, they turn into a summer resort for stink-producing bacteria.

Grout lines: Those lines between floor tiles can catch crumbs and food scraps that then start to rot. Scrub them regularly, says Cintas.

Mops: Like dirty towels, they can hold the bits of food they sop up. The floor may be clean, but the mop? Not so much.

Air conditioning units: Collected dust can start to smell if you don’t clean the coils and filters. It doesn’t exactly help that the aroma will then be blown into your dining rooms, bar and alcoves.

Mold: Standing water from a flood or even a bad rainstorm can become a Petri dish for mold.

Carpet: Left uncleaned in humid weather, flooring can become a veritable summer camp for mildew.  Cintas advises that you also make sure a carpet is completely dried after being shampooed.

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