

The JBS cyberattack throws the supply chain another curveball

The attack over the weekend is unlikely to have a long-term impact on protein supplies or prices, but it’s yet another pressure point on an already stressed supply chain.


As corn prices rise, food costs could follow

Rising corn prices could lead to higher costs for chicken and beef in the near future, furthering supply chain challenges as labor costs continue to rise.

The poultry supplier admitted no wrongdoing as part of the agreement.

The sudden infusion of so many virtual chicken wing concepts could lead to another price spike. There’s already evidence it’s happening, says RB’s The Bottom Line.

African Swine Fever has decimated the pork supply in China. That could raise U.S. protein prices next year.

Consumers’ eating habits are shifting, and sugar is one of the main targets.

Prices have spiked following President Trump’s threat to close the Mexican border, says RB’s The Bottom Line. That’s bad news for Chipotle and others.

As cold weather creeps in, domestically grown fruits and vegetables begin to dwindle.Don’t get left out in the coldWhile states like California, Arizona...

Economists tend to bicker, but there was at least one source of agreement in their 2013 forecasts: food prices are going to increase 2 to 4 percent this year. With restaurant patrons still pinching pennies, raising menu prices may not be the best solution. So what are the alternatives?

Federal Bureau of Investigation Section Chief Jenifer Smith, speaking to a general session of the third annual International Symposium on Agroterrorism in...

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