
Restaurant Patrons Drinking More Tap Water

CHICAGO (October 26, 2011)—Tap water is one of the fastest growing beverages ordered at U.S. restaurants, whereas revenue-generating beverages have been...


How restaurants in Portland, Oregon, are thriving on Conscious Capitalism

In the late 1990s a group of Pacific Northwest wheat farmers took stock of a bitter reality. They were shipping product to far off, overseas commodity markets, where they had no control over falling prices.

At the height of the recession, restaurateurs resorted to head-turning deals to drive traffic. Now that the economy is more or less in recovery, are consumers still seeking deep discounts, or are they more interested in a unique experience, an innovative menu or some other differentiating factor?

The economic backdrop for restaurant chains is changing, and smart franchisors will adjust accordingly, said Todd Jones, managing director of brand management and business development for GE Capital, Franchise Finance. He offered these specific tips for brands’ home office.

The industry’s pre-Great Recession labor crunch has yet to return, but the numbers suggest a steady move in that direction.

But companies at the ICR Conference reveal the industry’s conflicting challenges regarding sales.

Despite its third consecutive year of flat sales, Clark National, Inc., Elk Grove, IL, is not hunkering down and merely hoping for the best. Donald D...

The ubiquitous Zagat survey has just released its guide of leading national restaurants for 2005, along with the finding that the average cost of dinner out is climbing.

The NRA's Restaurant Performance Index stood at 101.8 in June, its 36th consecutive month above 100, which represents expansion in its composite index of...

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