
Untold stories from the NRA show

Zipping around the industry’s annual Woodstock, you may have missed a few developments that added color to this year’s gathering. While feeling is returning to your feet, here’s your chance to catch some of the unsung moments from the National Restaurant Association’s annual convention.

Marjorie Reinhart Passes Away At 79

LACROSSE, WI (June 1, 2011)—Longtime La Crosse resident, philanthropist and former owner of Reinhart Food Service, Marjorie "Marge" Reinhart, passed away...

Busy times are restaurants’ bread and butter. But a busy restaurant often means hungry guests are kept waiting. If operators manage wait times properly, though, they can create positive feelings in guests and boost business. Here are some skills to work on.

ATLANTA (July 2, 2011)—Buckhead Beef, a business unit of Sysco Corp. and a supplier of meat-based proteins to the food service market, plans to build a new...

Graduated from New York City's prestigious French Culinary Institute.

With its own national day of observance—August 10—the legacy of S’mores steadfastly lives on in the hearts and mouths of generations. But this beloved crunchy-sweet treat is not just for campfires anymore.

David Prokupek, CEO and chairman of Denver-based Smashburger, found a way to tailor Groupon, the popular couponing service, to make it work best for his...

A report released today by Congress concludes that fears of mercury poisoning from seafood are overblown.

It’s psychology so well established that we all understand it: We want what we can’t have, be it a luxury yacht, Michael Jordan-like skills or a sugary treat.

Over the years, countless changes have occurred in the industry, and the need to prepare safe, consistently seasoned food using a minimum of human and fossil energy has led to modern, innovative methods of food preparation. Many eating establishments, from the corner diner to the busiest Michelin three-star restaurant, are embracing a cooking technique known as sous vide.

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