

Joint employer decision pushed off by McDonald's deal

The settlement will avert the need for a ruling on whether employers are liable for franchisees' labor practices.

Allergy-awareness proponents

Forty-eight of the 50 states don’t require restaurant workers to have allergen training. But that may be starting to change.

Now Cook County is scrambling to identify means of making up the revenue deficit. One idea floated: legalizing marijuana.

Mayor de Blasio wants to give landlords a choice: rent at a lower level, or pay a special tax.

The participants have discussed what they’ll do if the merger is blocked

Restaurateurs will have a chance to comment on the revision proposed by the FDA.

Dire warnings led off a session focused on government issues relevant to restaurant franchisees and franchisors.

Proponents say the new law is a religious protection for private employers whose beliefs don’t align with customers’ lifestyles.

Owners of pass-through companies would get some relief, but the qualifications suggest not all restaurateurs would qualify.

Passage of so-called secure scheduling would make Oregon the first state to adopt the restrictions on shift changes.

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