minimum wage


New York City and its suburbs are looking at a wage hike to $17 an hour

The pay floor for New York City, Long Island and Westchester County would rise next year to $16 on way to $17. Other parts of the state would have a mandated minimum of $16


California Senate gives fast-food workers a loud say in setting their pay

The Fast Act, which would only affect quick-service chains with 100 or more locations, passed by a 21-12 vote. It's unclear if Gov. Newsom will sign it into law.

That hourly pay level has become the norm in online advertising for potential hires, according to an analysis by Indeed.

The first-year cap on hourly pay is one of the concessions that were made in the first-of-its-kind Fast Act to make the bill more palatable in the state Senate. Advocates also dropped the joint-employer provision.

Reality Check: Wake up to the very real possibility of employees having a say on their pay.

Groups such as One Fair Wage intend to ask the state's first female governor, Kathy Hochul, to close the gender wage gap by disallowing the concession for restaurants.

Darden Restaurants says it will reward hourly employees with $17 million in bonuses while raising its pay scale to $12 an hour.

The impact of more than doubling the federal minimum wage would be tempered by phasing in the increase, many restaurateurs contend. But they still have doubts about one size fitting all.

Senators from both parties are airing alternatives to the $15-an-hour proposal that was swatted down Thursday night.

A detailed economic analysis shows nearly 1 million workers would be pulled out of poverty, but 1.4 million jobs would be eliminated.

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