

Nekter Juice Bar debuts seasonal items

The chain is promoting three holiday offerings, two of which are new.


Is McDonald’s doing too much?

Many initiatives could make things more complex, but it isn’t hurting the brand yet, says RB's The Bottom Line.

Conflicting forces in the food business are squaring off for what promise to be 10-rounders.

The chain expects as much as a 10-percentage-point improvement in its tax rate, thanks to reform.

The company is increasing its tuition assistance program using savings from federal tax reform.

Here's how restaurateurs are addressing the challenges of equalizing front-of-the-house and back-of-the-house pay, as well as trying to foster a better experience for families.

The Bottom Line: Overexpansion, marketing problems and intense competition have hurt the chain's sales. But it can recover.

The industry appears to be outperforming the stock market, but not fast-food chains, says RB's The Bottom Line.

Quick-service operators are wondering whether or not to stay open as authorities assess the damage and look for the culprits behind this morning’s terrorist attacks.

Marcus Tom is named COO as the company overhauls management following the Qdoba sale.

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