Reality Check

Peter Romeo

The blog from award-winning journalist, RB Editor-at-Large Peter Romeo. Peter taps into his decades of experience covering the restaurant business at a variety of publications to discuss any number of issues related to the operations and general direction of restaurants.


Here's why Starbucks' union employees say they have to strike

Reality Check: Amid the harumphing by both sides, the actual points of disagreement between labor and management are starting to become clear.


Why restaurants should care more about apathy

Reality Check: The industry’s efforts to avert spikes in labor costs and benefits might as well be canceled due to lack of interest.

As they look to provide value during a time of high inflation, full-service restaurants are sacrificing some of their highest-margin items: drinks.

The top challenges are the same ones facing operators on this side of the border. The solutions, not so much.

Reality Check: The new aspirational goal of organized labor is a 50% increase over what was once regarded as a moonshot of a raise. And it's already being hit.

Reality Check: Sure, it's a union-backed plan to change restaurant employment. But isn't a new model needed?

Reality Check: Technology's big payback isn't eliminating jobs, it's making current job holders happier.

Reality Check: Opponents of the wage break for employers are using ballot initiatives to get their way.

Reality Check: The industry nodded through the takeaway of key employer powers. Is it just going to roll over as the setbacks continue?

Reality Check: The trend of the moment for employers should be particularly worrisome for the foodservice business.

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