

This week’s 5 head-spinning moments: Baked, not fried

Even the great Carnac couldn't have foreseen the role marijuana is about to play in restaurant sales, and that's just one of the who'd-have-believed-it developments.

Consumer Trends

Resolutions we wish restaurants would make

The content providers of Restaurant Business Online—a persnickety bunch, to be sure—would like you to end these practices in 2017. Please.

Traffic still declined, but by the slightest amount in more than a year, according to the latest snapshot from researcher TDn2K.

Bartenders are mixing up modern takes on the mudslide and other cocktails.

OpenTable diners reveal which restaurants won them over this year.

To hit the top menu trends, no foodservice kitchen should be without these ingredients.

“Asset light,” “clean label” and “grocerant” are all terms we could do without.

Corrugated-metal, pre-fab unit being tested in L.A.

A look at the industry's dominant brands reveals some surprising patterns.

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