Patricia Cobe

Senior Editor

Articles by
Patricia Cobe

Page 160

Show me the pros

Everyone who eats or cooks is free to hang up a virtual shingle and call themselves a culinary “expert.” Blogs, Yelp!, Twitter, Foodspotting—they’ve democratized (some would say degraded) the arts of restaurant reviewing and recipe writing.


New England as backyard

One might think that local ingredients are hard to come by during a Massachusetts winter.

Fresh To Order—a.k.a. “f2o”—is an expanding concept defining the new niche of “fast fine” food. The goal: to offer freshly made meals for around...

The burger business is hotter than ever. Half of consumers say they eat a burger at least once a week compared to 38 percent two years ago, notes Technomic...

These busy restaurant chefs find time to tweet in the middle of dinner prep—and throughout the day. The authenticity of the tweets reveals that they’re coming from the chefs themselves—not a social media intern sitting behind the scenes. Here are the most prolific toques on Twitter.

When Moe’s Southwest Grill heard that the annual BlogHer Food conference was coming to their hometown of Atlanta, the marketing department scrambled.

With burger concepts popping up everywhere and burgers showing up on a majority of menus, it's tough to stand out from the crowd. Some operators are finding that regional flavors and ingredients are a smart way to differentiate their burgers.

The industry never stops innovating. Better promotions? Check. Ingenious service upgrades? Got it. And don’t even think restaurants are done improving on the farm-to-fork trend. Once again you’ve managed to put lightning in a bottle—50 times.

Long a staple of Southern kitchens, fritters have been around in both savory and sweet versions.

The cuisine at Fifth Floor draws from Mediterranean and global influences, but seasonality is the number one priority.

Casual-dining pioneer T.G.I. Friday’s has invested in elevating its menu ingredients.

Restaurant dinner checks may be shrinking along with patrons’ wallets, but morning people are putting their money where their mouths are.

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