
Emerging Brands

Technomic's 25 fastest growing global chains

Growth-minded restaurateurs know the importance of keeping an eye on the competitors entering and expanding in their markets.

4 tech hacks spotted in Asia-Pacific

Some of the most tech-forward restaurant ideas are taking shape on the international stage.

Alshaya was among the recipients of the 2017 Global Restaurant Leadership Awards of Distinction.

Customers rated these five limited-service brands as being the best in integrating tech.

Wendy’s is just one of the restaurant brands angling to boost digital business.

New research reveals how consumers perceive restaurant technology, and how two operators are ahead of the pack in addressing them.

The CEO helped turn the pizza chain into a digital juggernaut.

The delivery specialist outperforms the industry by far in its Q4 results.

This weekend should be big for chains doing more delivery and takeout.

As concepts fight for a foothold in the crowded restaurant industry, determination to be on the cutting edge drives many decisions. These 10 groundbreakers all pushed the envelope during the last 12 months in terms of both design and operation, bending traditions and blurring lines within their typical space to set new directions.

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