Pizza Hut

In a flash, service guarantees become Next Big Thing

All of a sudden, chains are racing to assure off-premise customers of precisely how long they'll have to wait for an order.


Pizza Hut debuts Ultimate Cheesy Crust Pizza

The new item is being positioned as the ideal pizza for the holiday season.

As concepts fight for a foothold in the crowded restaurant industry, determination to be on the cutting edge drives many decisions. These 10 groundbreakers all pushed the envelope during the last 12 months in terms of both design and operation, bending traditions and blurring lines within their typical space to set new directions.

The chain is assuring customers they won’t be charged if they don’t like the improved version.

New reports make the case for expanding menu labeling to all restaurants and adopting a nationwide soda tax. It's enough to make you want to crave a $300 breakfast at Denny's.

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