

Critics say McDonald’s hasn’t kept its minimum wage promise

A labor-backed group says the company isn’t paying $1 above local minimums, something it promised in 2015.


Here’s how competitive the restaurant industry really is

The annual Restaurant Leadership Conference in Phoenix provided confirmation for some things we already knew and perhaps a few we didn’t—like the inevitability of alcohol delivery.

Here’s how to avert last-minute staffing shortages.

Sometimes good news can be just as arresting as the bad. Here are a few standout instances, brought to you as a special Thanksgiving edition.

The economy added 200,000 jobs and wage growth improved.

The industry added no jobs amid a tight labor market and weak sales.

In a tight labor market, the gig economy is adding a new wrinkle to the industry’s labor challenges.

The year was not without its Freddy Krueger moments for restaurants. Here's a look back at the times restaurateurs wondered if they were awake.

Offering work-life balance is a major selling point in this insomnia-inducing labor climate. But delivering on that promise is a tall order. Here are a few ways operators are making flexible schedules business as usual.

Five Latina employees of a location in the Boston area claim a “sexually offensive work environment.”

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