human resources


4 positions restaurants might be adding to their payrolls

Operators share the new or enhanced restaurant roles that are on their wish lists.


NYC eyes new employer mandates for curbing sexual harassment

Restaurants with at least 15 employees would be required to provide annual training and inform the staff of policies and investigation processes.

The goal is a flatter, more responsive structure, the company says.

Here are three ways to help employees lock down cracks in security protocols.

And how restaurants are convincing staff to stick around against all odds.

Getting millennial recruits up to snuff means re-evaluating longstanding procedures, such as handbooks and classroom learning, in order to jive with the tendencies and preferences of this always-questioning, tech-dependent demographic.

Here’s how operators are helping workers get by—and securing a labor force—in areas where the cost of living is increasing.

Several forces are stacking up, creating taller and taller hurdles for hiring managers.

A jury decided a 16-year-old employee had been repeatedly abused by two managers in 2013.

Two years after San Francisco became the first of a growing list of jurisdictions to limit restaurant scheduling, the industry is contending with some unexpected side effects.

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