
Consumer Trends

The state of fine dining

The recession nearly led to the category's demise, but concepts that evolved survived—and even thrived.

Saddle up the side dishes

Ever notice how trends seem to run in circles? Hemlines rise and fall. Disco music made a comeback. Even the VW Bug is back. A menu trend that's currently in vogue — did it really ever leave? — is side dishes.

Growing up in Sweden, Chevys chief culinary officer Peter Serantoni spent plenty of time in the family kitchen.

The menu is a statement of your restaurant’s philosophy—and a crucial piece of its marketing puzzle.

Need some quick cash for the business? After years of taking a back seat to home equity loans, plastic may be set for a comeback.

As cold weather creeps in, domestically grown fruits and vegetables begin to dwindle.Don’t get left out in the coldWhile states like California, Arizona...

The lousy economy could mean good news for chains with cash to expand.We’re like a buzzard,” says Mike Lassiter. He’s talking about the real estate...

The definition of a smoothie has been blended as much as the drink, but basically, smoothies are fruits and juices whirred with ice until thick and smooth.

If you’re going to be the guy who buys that chain that’s fallen on hard times—but might be profitable in your hands—you’ve got to be ready to act early and fast. If you wait until bankruptcy is declared, you’re probably too late.

Rising temperatures in the years ahead could have a direct impact on a wide range of food items.

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