
The Ultimate Red Wine Pairing Guide

The Culinary Institute of America's ultimate guide to pairing red wine with any food.

Feeling The Burn?

Then fight it. Tactics for beating burnout in yourself and your staff.Restaurants have long been notorious for the chew ’em up and spit ’em out impact on...

Terrines, the shortened name of a dish known classically as pâté en terrine, are traditionally understood to be forcemeat mixtures baked in an earthenware mold with a tight-fitting lid. This preparation gets its name from its association with the material used to make the mold, once exclusively earthenware of unglazed clay or terra cotta.

In 2007 these new graduates of Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, tired of spending money for lunch at local fast food joints, saw an opportunity for a sustainable, healthy, fast-casual option.

When large restaurant companies implement sustainability policies, customers seem to react in a contrary way—and their evaluation of those companies may actually diminish. In a new study from the Cornell Center for Hospitality Research, researchers Michael Giebelhausen and Helen Chun conducted two experiments to examine this contrary behavior.

RYE BROOK, NY (February 2, 2012)—Chartwells’ Simply Good Fresh and Local program has experienced tremendous success in its schools with 89% of 534...

Menu change is never an easy task. Transforming the menu for a flagship restaurant at the CIA was a learning experience I will not soon forget.

When fusion was the trend of the moment, some chefs tried too hard to globalize menus. In too many kitchens, the result was confusion—on the plate and the palate.

As wood-fire cooking gains traction, these six lessons learned could help keep your operation smokin’.

On March 26th of this year, Shoney's CEO Steve Lynn met with his shareholders in the fifth floor auditorium of the First American Center in Nashville.

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