

Instacart to offer restaurant delivery from Uber Eats

Uber Eats will have a dedicated tab within the grocery delivery app, which it said will allow it to reach more customers.


DoorDash says it's getting more affordable

The third-party delivery company has reduced customer fees by 12% over the past two years. But delivery still remains far more expensive than carryout.

Traffic slumped, but the family-dining stalwart offered a few aha moments in its recount of what happened.

Cannabis users are far more likely to order delivery and fast food than those who don’t indulge, survey results from Numerator show.

Farmesa's healthful bowl menu was tested but CEO Brian Niccol said the company is focused on growing Chipotle into an iconic brand.

The company will use some of the funding to meet demand for its restaurant pickup system, which uses tunnels to move food from the kitchen to the parking lot.

Once reserved for the internet only, virtual brands are making their way onto in-restaurant menus and even their own brick-and-mortars, and seeing good results.

Locations of Flynn's Panera Bread units in Seattle, and some Jet's restaurants in Detroit plan to offer drone delivery using the Zipline system.

Letters from three Democrats including Elizabeth Warren accused the delivery apps of price-gouging and asked for more information about how the fees are used.

The family-dining chain is putting NASCAR- and MLB-themed delivery brands in hundreds of locations for the first time and expanding Pardon My Cheesesteak.

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