
6 stealable ideas from a trip down south

Check-splitting policies, squeezing more from the charcuterie trend and other easy-to-adopt-anywhere ideas from South Carolina chefs.

Under New York City rule, it’s the packaging, not the food, that’s to go

A review process put in motion by former Mayor Mike Bloomberg has been completed, enabling current Mayor Bill De Blasio to implement a ban as of July 1.

The casual chain ends the frequent buyers’ program after a ruling that it violates drink-promotions regulations.

The proposal is supported by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a strong indicator the measure will pass.

There are many people who work hard to ensure that local, state and national policies and laws benefit and protect the restaurant and hospitality industry. One such group is the National Restaurant Association (NRA).

Adjustments in tech strategies, a big promotion that slipped past unnoticed, why every big chain should be scared and the day fast food lost its mind.

Today’s top chefs are getting fired-up discussing GMOs, antibiotics and food deserts. And a growing number are taking these discussions into the halls of Congress.

A man walks down a New York City street, considering his lunch options when a poster in a Subway window catches his eye.

The restaurant industry took a slapping this week, at times from its own hand.

Proponents say two-wheeled customers in the car lane could get hurt—or could be robbers looking to make a quick getaway.

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