
Industries all across the country are experiencing the disruptive impact of the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Discover how it could affect the U.S. foodservice, grocery and convenience industries.

3 stealable ideas healthcare operators have developed during COVID-19

Consider these solutions shared at the Association for Healthcare Foodservice’s recent virtual conference.

Some Good Food News From COVID-19

The Lempert Report: Food establishments innovate amid a pandemic.

The Lempert Report: Fixing the supply chain must be a top priority.

Changing customer behavior, basket growth, ‘healthy’ fuel margins contribute to strong performance

Consumers rediscovered the versatility of pork, but pandemic-level sales may be tempered by supply and inflationary issues.

September’s Family Meals Month stresses meals together as more meals than ever are being enjoyed together in the home, a trend expected to outlast the pandemic.

While suburban sites are thriving, urban sites have struggled during the pandemic, and the changes could be lasting, says RB’s The Bottom Line.

Available at all 2,200 locations

These six individuals were known for their dedications to serving others in and outside the grocery store.

Products that use UV rays to purify the air are popping up in restaurants.

All in-person classes and most remote learning will not begin until Sept. 21.

Florida, New York, Illinois, Texas lead this month’s tally of openings and closings

As more shoppers continue to prepare more meals at home, sales of dairy, deli and bakery settle into a new pattern.

The extension of the Summer Food Service Program and National School Lunch Program Seamless Summer Option will allow schools to serve meals to all students at no charge.

The Portland, Ore.-based gourmet doughnut concept shut down its eight locations amid the pandemic and is working on developing a wholesale operation, according to the filing.

Establishments can re-open their dining rooms at 25% capacity as of 6 a.m. Friday.

An additional 2.9 billion pounds of fresh produce have been sold in 2020.

Small tweaks and larger changes are in store for customers as they visit food halls in the age of COVID.

The new multimedia ad campaign aims to whet pent-up demand while also reassuring the public of restaurants’ safety.

The food is portioned and packed to lessen the chance of human contact

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