
New restaurant equipment and back-of-the-house technology

Snap Kitchen shuts Chicago operations

The health-oriented hybrid says a change in its business model makes expansion there too costly.


New year brings slew of new laws for restaurants

It's now illegal in some places to ask job applicants certain questions, or to serve some Asian dishes.

Restaurants could be a beneficiary of a partnership agreement struck yesterday by two of the three agencies charged with protecting the food supply. The collaboration promises to bolster the nation's safeguards, particularly for produce.

Bloomin' Brands agreed to add an industry veteran to its board under an agreement with Jana Partners, one of two shareholders that have been sympathetic to spinning off secondary brands.

Wasted food is painful to see. Here's what operators can do about it, Advice Guy says.

Sometimes silence can really be golden for restaurants. Here's proof.

Instead of heeding what normally are yellow lights, restaurants stomped on the gas and crashed through barriers this week.

The restaurant industry's annual gathering yielded some unconventional approaches to common problems, from sky-high delivery fees to lowering labor costs.

Delivery has emerged as a real game changer for the restaurant industry, building sales, satisfying convenience-oriented customers and paving the way for new products, services and technologies.

Looking at the most recent crop of new products, one thing seems clear: It’s no longer just about adding bells and whistles.

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