
New restaurant equipment and back-of-the-house technology

Tip pooling proposal runs into trouble

A procedure change suggests the measure is meeting considerable public resistance.


This week’s 5 head-spinning moments: Research run amok

New reports make the case for expanding menu labeling to all restaurants and adopting a nationwide soda tax. It's enough to make you want to crave a $300 breakfast at Denny's.

Restaurants continue to defy traditional categorizations.

Who said the industry is color blind? On the other hand, there are parties saying it's crooked.

There are ways to prevent diners from taking too much, such as letting them know just how much they're discarding, Advice Guy says.

See what passes as entertainment at restaurants these days.

A different sort of whopper figured large in recent restaurant news. But it's all true—we swear it!

Griddles are fairly basic: a thick steel plate is heated from below, allowing you to grill and sauté on a big flat surface. Today, that basic formula is being tricked out with new features.

Not to argue with Kermit the Frog, but these days it’s easier than ever to be green, particularly when it comes to your options in cleaning products.

We asked some of today’s top mixologists to name their favorite tech tools behind the bar, with the direction that it didn’t have to be electronic.

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