
The latest news and trends in restaurant technology

A tale of two digital cities: A glimmer of new restaurant tech from CES, NRF conference

Consumer and business technologies are clearly converging, throwing restaurateurs a bit of a curve. Make that a curve in signs, TVs and other display possibilities.


EMV is here. Are you ready?

Liability for credit-card fraud shifts today to restaurants and other merchants. Here’s what you need to know about the changeover in processing procedures.

Before spending on new hardware or software, be sure to ask these questions first.

Tesla is looking to make restaurants a part of its business plan, and that was only one of the revelations from FSTEC's first day.

The restaurateur raised $30 million to support companies looking to improve the hospitality industry.

Today, customers merely have to say what they want, without any pesky humans interfering as the request is dispatched to the kitchen in a readable form.

Providing the right audio or video programming for your customers can go a long way. With the staggering number of entertainment choices available today, it’s easy to find one tailored to your operation and your budget.

Can you say digital tablet? Even though the mjaority of restaurants have yet to incorporate technology in their operations, consumers are very interested in the latest technology applications when dining out, according to a new study by Technomic

In-house cooking classes have long been a way for restaurant chefs to connect with consumers. With the official launch of Google Helpout at the end of November, chefs and restaurateurs now have a new option to reach potential guests across the miles.

Add Red Robin to the list of casual-dining chains that will invite customers to pay for their meals via a tabletop device.

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