
Trump's promise to end taxes on tips could put Democrats on their heels

Working Lunch: The effort may be more of a feint, but it's a visible test of the pro-labor party's true commitment to boosting worker incomes.

Donald Trump shot from the hip when he promised at a Las Vegas campaign rally to stop the federal government’s taxation of restaurant workers’ tips. But several prominent Republican senators are playing along, championing legislation that would actually put Trump’s pledge into practice.

With the federal government standing to lose up to $250 billion in tax revenues, the chances of movement on the bill are slim. Yet the significance may not hinge on passage. As this week’s episode of the Working Lunch government-affairs podcast reports, the move could be a test of how true Democrats’ support of labor might be.

Might it actually become an issue in the November elections? Give a listen for a look at politics at its rawest.

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