labor costs


How successful restaurant chains optimize labor costs

A back office technology solution optimizes restaurant labor costs by consistently finding the perfect balance of staffing requirements-to-sales projections, day-in and day-out.


Are you paying your GMs enough?

Prevailing pay rates vary widely by gender, segment and region, a new study shows. Here are some benchmarks to see how your operation compares.

The annual Restaurant Trends & Directions conference yielded some good news, but also some threats to watch.

Passport Pizza collects a check for working with a local employment program. Here's how it works.

Check out four operators that are sketching out professional pathways for employees.

When operators close their doors after a fire, flood or other disasters, they can lose more than just money.

Here are the questions converts and others close to the situation suggest restaurateurs ask themselves before deciding if a labor surcharge is right for their operation.

Don’t let employees leave without doing these three things.

Recent increases in the minimum wage have triggered sometimes bold action to hold down costs. Here's a sampling.

Sometimes, employees have contracts that require it, but most do not, Advice Guy says.

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