labor costs


3 unexpected consequences of scheduling legislation

Two years after San Francisco became the first of a growing list of jurisdictions to limit restaurant scheduling, the industry is contending with some unexpected side effects.


How to manage rising labor costs

By focusing on several key areas, operators can cut labor costs and boost profitability in the face of changing market forces.

The model has been proven, but not without painful lessons for the early adapters. Here are some best practices for making the approach work.

And how restaurants are convincing staff to stick around against all odds.

Operators view labor costs as the biggest threat to profitability.

Check out the restaurants that are listed alongside Facebook as some of the best places to work in the country.

Why's an operator cheering a possible upswing in food prices? And has Maine's governor hit on a new way of getting restaurant employees' lobbying help? Those are just some of the questions that were posed by surprising developments of the past week.

Small businesses like restaurants would be able to pool their purchasing might for greater economies of scale, or even to self-insure.

The restaurant industry's annual gathering yielded some unconventional approaches to common problems, from sky-high delivery fees to lowering labor costs.

The third-wealthiest person in America is teaming up with the richest—Amazon's Jeff Bezos—and JPMorgan's Jamie Dimon to bring down health insurance expenses.

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