

The SEC may take action against Andy Wiederhorn

The agency has sent a “Wells Notice” to the chairman of Fat Brands, along with one current and one former employee. It signals a likely upcoming civil action.


Congress probes claims the IRS is giving anti-tip-credit group One Fair Wage a pass

An oversight committee is investigating whether the tax agency is allowing the union-backed restaurant adversary to file as a non-profit despite its lobbying.

The measure is the latest instance of lawmakers and consumers trying to bring more clarity on restaurant service fees.

The nation’s largest restaurant economy is about to raise hourly pay for limited-service restaurant workers by 25%. Price hikes are on their way. But will high prices drive diners away?

Working Lunch: The proposal is part of what's emerging as a wave of bills aiming to curb franchisors' power. That alone makes it worth tracking.

Spoiler alert: It’s the shot at expanding the labor pool by thousands of prospective hires per day.

Employees of The Bazaar in Washington, D.C., have drafted a petition and asked for voluntary recognition of union representation. The famed chef has yet to respond.

Under a bill introduced this week, restaurants would be required to disclose the countries of origin for all seafood that's sold, along with whether it was wild-caught or farmed.

A pilot program undertaken with the instructional institution C-CAP aims to steer the immigrants into foodservice jobs, starting with positions in New York City.

More than half the surveyed restaurateurs and club owners say they'd consider shutting down at least one of their operations. Nearly 9 of 10 contend it'd be a disaster.

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