

Tech gets its time in the main-stage limelight

Restaurant leaders’ growing reliance on interactive technology catapulted the topic onto the main stage of the RLC for the first time this year.

How to save a million dollars

Simple, cheap systems can be put into place to improve service and make guests feel welcome.

Are you using cartoon characters to market not-so-healthy meals to kids? The First Lady would like you to stop.

Outside of foodservice, a standard work week is Monday through Friday.

This week, Google stepped up its menu game, chains courted lovers and people fell for a “dumb” stunt.

Sometimes big things come in small packages, like a big jolt of energy from a tiny cup of espresso, big sounds from barely-there speakers, or a big surge of power from the engine of a compact Porsche. It's good. It's proportional.

People in big cities have been all abuzz over the hidden cash craze sweeping social media, that all started when a mysterious person (@HiddenCash) began stashing money around San Francisco.

The reports are in and (Gasp!) food and beverage costs are up again. By your calculations they should be around 34%, but this week you've hit 39%. Last week 32%, and the week before 37%. There's obviously something wrong here.

On the day it unveiled its new tuition-reimbursement plan for employees, Starbucks was met with a crush of interest from the media and corporate America pushing to know more about CEO Howard Schultz’s latest HR ploy.

According to a Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly study, every single day the average restaurateur has fifty-eight unscheduled, informal meetings. These are in addition to two or three daily formally scheduled meetings.

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