
Restaurant marketing ideas and trends


7 social-media strategies to watch for 2015

A look around at the competitions seems to show just as many social media successes (Starbucks) as stumbles (McDonald’s). Where should you focus your efforts in the coming year? We asked a few social media superstars for their advice.


Social media watch: Seizing the moment

Whataburger has a slam dunk with a Twitter post featuring an NBA star.

Snapchat in recent months has debuted an interface that puts branded content front and center. Here’s how some companies are getting results.

Keep tabs on operators' latest strategies for ensuring their restaurants are worthy of the perfect Instagram shot.

Consumers showed how their preferences are shifting, while restaurants bet on where those directions will take them.

Olive Garden asked a cross-functional team—finance, marketing, operations, communications and others—to build on its Never Ending Pasta Bowl promo.

Chains are celebrating the tortilla-wrapped icon with a variety of themed deals.

From slightly NSFW marketing to riding out celebrity happenstance, here are some recent social media wins operators can learn from.

Restaurateurs spit at the mention of Yelp, but a new Harvard study suggests the outraged should quit grumbling and work toward a better review from the service’s civilian critics.

Conventional business wisdom says it costs five to 10 times more to acquire a new customer than to keep an existing one.

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