
The week’s 5 head-spinning moments: Servers under siege

Many industry savants see service as the area where restaurants can distinguish themselves. Then why are so many trying to cut server-customer interaction?

Restaurateurs split on phones at the table

Even when the devices aren’t banned outright, operators are setting policies to keep guests’ phones unplugged.

Instead of stagnant pages, some restaurants are adopting a scrolling home page that hits the brand’s main talking points without forcing click-throughs.

It’s the October 2015 deadline to have EMV-enabled devices—the expected date for a shift in fraud liability—that’s driving the need to update.

Apple released the details of its Apple Watch at a live-streaming presentation Monday afternoon. How does this new product affect restaurants and consumer transactions?

A look back at Panera's 2.0 model. Will it be enough to restore its reputation as an industry innovator once again?

A recent technology report from the NRA shows that independent operators’ barriers and concerns differ from that of chains, slowing implementation.

Customers would be able to speak their pickup orders into a phone and be automatically charged.

Instead of heeding what normally are yellow lights, restaurants stomped on the gas and crashed through barriers this week.

We asked some leading restaurant innovators where the industry’s increasing reliance on data will lead. These are their predictions for the decade ahead.

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