
New restaurant equipment and back-of-the-house technology

5 famous failed diversifications

Chipotle's discontinuation of ShopHouse is the latest instance of a secondary concept looking good on paper but not living up to expectations. Here are a few other spectacular examples.


This week’s 5 head-spinning moments: Reverse is the new forward

Some big chains are reversing themselves on customization, delivery, portioning and new-age staffing moves.

The burrito chain is showing a change of heart with such moves as trying a drive-thru.

With the rise in vendor-prepared foods, cook-chill methods and batch production techniques, the role of warming and holding equipment has grown in importance. Here are the prime considerations when looking to buy.

In the most basic sense, warmers and holding cabinets keep food warm. But as with most equipment purchases, finding the best one for your operation isn’t simply a matter of deciding which is cheapest.

Restaurant surveillance equipment is a given, but how fancy should you get?

Consumers expect food from the drive-thru to be just as tasty and fresh as food eaten in the restaurant. Packaging is key to delivering on that expectation.

The updates include changes in the chain's catering program, new digital enhancements, and a contribution from a Starbucks veteran who's been brought onboard.

Alan Johnson will take the helm at the fast-casual chain.

The Australian banner for Burger King is testing a new device

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